Helps bridging the gap between sales and marketing.

Innovation and entrepreneurship should be the cornerstone of any business  centric culture that wants to grow and achieve financial success. 

In his award-winning book "3 Simple Steps", Trevor Blake claims that a winning idea is not enough. In todays AI driven business landscape, the most talented and skilled tech developer might become obsolete in a few years, if not months. In every book on entrepreneurship available there is most likely a chapter talking about the importance of conducting thorough marked research, risk analysis of the competion and a solid 5 year financial assessment. There is rarely a sales and marketing methodology and business language sales analysis in a traditional modern business plan. An "amazing, unique product" is unfortunately not enough either to achieve long-term business success. Just look at what happened to the many start ups in the 2000s. It goes without saying, but the world of sales and marketing has indisputably changed and is continuing to change at rapid pace. The former IBM account manager in Germany in the late 70s who "sat agressively waiting for the next inbound call" has become extinct. As my great mentor Eric Shaver argues, there is a need to "put the B into B2B Sales...and yet the Sales orthodoxy still must adapt to the times and focus on buy-side business imperatives". Sales need to start learning the language and skillset of a McKinsey C-level consultant - the financial understanding and how to position a value to a prospective buyer or decision maker that triggers action. 

I help Start-Up communities, innovation hubs, internal or external innovation teams in companies of all sizes with the most important step; Finding the right first customer. In my workshops I show you why its not enough with the first paying customer, but why it is neccessary to find the right first customer. More importantly HOW you execute this in a short period of time. Entrepreneurs and innovators often underestimate the craftmanship required to do this properly when selling to Enterprise Prospects. Throughout my more than 25 years in practising marketing strategies and executing sales, I have developed a Prospecting KPI verified and tested MVP, resulting in the Pahuma marketing strategy and sales exectution framework.  

The new era of AI Driven Sales and Markting requires a financial business language accumen and skillset. This, combined with personal development and awareness will help entrepreneurs and innovators take advantage of these technologies and understand their own existence before its too late. Pahuma will help you maximise this learning so you have greater chances of succeeding with your business.   

I would be delighted to learn more about you and your vision! 

Contact me now on to find out more or book in a 15 min free call here.

Best regards 


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